Coaching and Walking or Conscious Walking

I have discovered in my own life that walking in nature as a regular practice has brought untold benefits to my well being, my happiness and personal effectiveness. And I have seen similar results with friends and clients.

There are different purposes when going on a walk. It can be about nurturing a sense of adventure when hiking the rice fields of Bali or the desert of Mauritania. Or testing physical boundaries, the sense of accomplishment and sheer sense of elation at climbing Mount Kilimanjaro or passing through 5000m high passes in Peru. It can be about exploration and slowing down to meet others on the way as I have experienced in Greece or Wales. Walks on Sunday with a friend are usually about sharing the pleasure of the outdoors and good conversation. The pilgrimage I made to Santiago was mainly about reconnecting with my life vision.


What I have come to realise is that the physical action of walking strengthens the connection with our body and we discover that nature mirrors our inner world. Walking creates an ideal context for coaching. We can be more open and vulnerable because we experience the solidity of the bond between us and the world. We are more creative as research at Stanford university has shown. It is easier to be present to what is, in the moment, so that we can re-evaluate our problems from a different perspective. Movement helps emotions (E-motions) to flow more freely and stuck-ness can dissolve, giving a greater sense of freedom. Communication becomes more simple and authentic, with silences and time to explore our thoughts, feelings and sensations.

Walking and coaching is different from walking and talking (which is great in itself). During the walk we often discover a clear sense of presence, power, balance and strength - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. From that point, coaching then guides the unfolding of the experience:  clarifying the intention, deepening the growing sense of self awareness, creating meaning, making choices and taking actions.  Coaching and walking is about consciously harnessing the experience of wandering in nature to achieve transformation.

So next time you consider hiring a coach, why not add walking and nature into the mix? If you are interested in the topic or would like to experience coaching and walking, get in touch!